Respect for all aspects of Life

Life is from God.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Defense of the family - Part two

We said in part one that the six points would be reverted to later. They are listed below.

The first paragraph dealt with the Holy Father and the Bishops that were in union with him who form the Magisterium of the Church. However Paragraph twenty five of Lumen Gentium states clearly and emphatically that when the Holy Father proclaims on faith and morals he is teaching infallibly.

The second paragraph dealt with the effort of those, who in dissent, have attempted over the last forty five years to make the Encyclical Humanae Vitae, (on human life ), illegitimate

1- We spoke about the Encyclical Humanae Vitae being a valid teaching of the Magisterium. The Motu Proprio, Ad Tuendem Fidem, of Pope John Paul II added a new paragraph two to Canon law 750 which states, "Furthermore, each and everything set forth definitively by the Magisterium of the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals must be firmly accepted and held; namely those things required for the holy keeping and faithful exposition of the deposit of faith; therefore, anyone who rejects propositions which are to be held definitively sets himself against the teaching of the Catholic Church."

2-This reflects upon the document, "Ex corde Ecclesiae", (from the heart of the Church). It is contained in Canon Law #833 and has to do with, “The profession of faith". It also refers to numbers 5,6,7 and 8.

#5 refers to the making of a profession of faith in the presence of the diocesan bishop and the following; vicars general, Episcopal vicars and vicars judicial.

#6 in the presence of the local ordinary or his delegate at the beginning of their term of office, pastors, the rector of a seminary and the professors of theology and philosophy in seminaries; those to be promoted to the order of the diaconate.

#7 In the presence of the grand chancellor or, in his absence, in the presence of the local ordinary, or in the presence of their delegates, the rector of an ecclesiastical or Catholic university at the beginning of the rectors term of office: in the presence of the rector, if the rector is a priest, or the local ordinary , or their delegates and at the beginning of their term of office., teachers in any university whatsoever who teach disciplines which deal with faith and morals.

#8 the superiors in clerical religious institutes and societies of apostolic life in accord with the norm of the constitutions.

3 That the teaching of the faith to children in C.C.D. classes at parishes is done by people who are faithful Catholics and that teach what the Church teaches. This also applies to R.C.I.A. classes for those interested in becoming members of The Catholic Church. They must be taught faithfully.

4 The question of the mass attendance being so low on Sundays and holy days of obligation. The question of not dissenting from the authentic Magisterial teaching of Humana Vitae and the assertion that failing to observe that Encyclical has resulted in the loss of faith of millions of people.

5 The question of a lack of a sufficient number of priestly vocations to accomplish the Churches mission in the United States. The reminder that the U.S.C.C.B. at their fall meeting in Baltimore in 2006 approved of two items that if acknowledged by bishops and priests would help to reverse course, namely "married love and the gift of life" and "happy are those who are called to His supper". The first is a reminder that contraception is a moral evil and forbidden by the Church. The second is that one must be in sanctifying grace to receive The Body and Blood of Christ in the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion. Further that no one has the right to dissent from Church teaching on faith and morals.

6 The last point is on conscience. Conscience must be obeyed but that it must be formed on the truth; on Christ, for Christ is the way, the truth and the life.

This blog is dedicated to "respect for all aspects of life".

God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Hello Father Corcoran I am so glad that I found your blog I was looking for some prolife books that maybe i could put inthe library at St Joseph in Richardson and saw this link that led to your blog we certainly need more priests that will hold up the magisterium of the church we have too many priest today telling people to follow their own conscience so as a result we have people who do not know their faith as you probably already know we have new pastor at St Joseph he seems abit more orthodox than our last pastor was I heard himfor the first time 2 weeks ago and his homily was totally with authentic Catholic teaching my prayer is that maybe one day our rcia will improve and maybe we will get some one who will teach the truth and not what every one wants to hear Sincerely Brenda D Bolding

Anonymous said...

I am saving your blog into my favorites on my computer God Bless you Father Corcoran and thank you for the authentic truthful Catholic teaching on this blog Sincerely Brenda D Bolding

Anonymous said...

Dear Brenda: Thank you for your comments. Perhaps you can help me in getting some exposure to a wider group of readers. So many in authority resist my thoughts. God bless you Fr. Corcoran